German Shepherd Rescue & Adoptions is a 501(c)(3) organization so all monetary donations are tax deductible to the extent that IRS allows.
Donate Online:
Make a donation to German Shepherd Rescue & Adoptions to the left
Mail checks to:
German Shepherd Rescue & Adoptions
1821 Hillandale Road, Suite 1B #326
Durham, North Carolina 27705
Are you looking to make a lasting gift to GSRA? There is no better way to do so than by making a planned gift. Please consider making a gift for the animals through planned giving. On average, each year we care for 100 German Shepherds through our rescue and community outreach fund, which provides financial support to local families facing urgent medical or behavioral challenges, helping them keep their beloved German Shepherds. Your legacy will help make sure that every animal we care for is able to receive the loving care, treatment, and training they need to find their new home.
Including a charitable bequest in your will is a simple way to make a lasting gift to GSRA. You can leave a bequest to the Rescue by adding to an existing will or drafting a new one. Here are some ways to structure the amount of your gift:
Charitable gifts may be tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please consult your tax or legal adviser.
While we can provide you with sample language here, we encourage you to have a personal conversation with your attorney, accountant, and/or financial advisor.
“I give to German Shepherd Dog Rescue and Adoption Service (federal ID # 56-1857148 , 1821 Hillandale Rd., Suite 1B #326 , Durham, NC, 27705) the sum of $___ [OR ___ % of the residue of my estate/trust] to be used for its general purposes.”
Regardless of which type of legacy you decide to build and leave to GSRA, you will need to have some basic information about us to include with the gift, as well as to provide to your attorney, accountant, and/or financial advisor:
German Shepherd Dog Rescue and Adoption Service
1821 Hillandale Road, Suite 1B #326
Durham, NC 27705
Tax ID#56-1857148
For more information about making a planned gift, or to let us know if you have already included German Shepherd Rescue and Adoptions in your planned gifts, please contact our financial advisor at Edward Jones using the contact information below. All inquiries and information will be kept strictly confidential and will not imply any obligation to make a gift.
Kim Fahnley or Stephen Herbert at Edward Jones
(828) 628-1546
Many employers have Matching Gift programs which would double your donation.
Please consider contacting your employer's human resource department to determine if they will match any contribution you make to German Shepherd Rescue and Adoptions (GSRA), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. If your employer does not currently match employee donations, ask them to do so. Together, you and your employer can help us double our efforts for saving unwanted and abused German Shepherds. You can also search to see if your company has a match program by using Charity Navigator .
German Shepherd Dog Rescue and Adoption Service
1821 Hillandale Road, Suite 1B #326
Durham, NC 27705
Tax ID #56-1857148
Making a gift in memoriam is a thoughtful way to remember a family member, friend, or cherished pet.
Consider leaving retirement account assets to German Shepherd Rescue and Adoptions and preserve all the funds free from tax. You can designate GSRA as the primary or contingent beneficiary of your retirement accounts. You may wish to fund your donation to GSRA from your retirement plan (i.e., IRA, 401K, Keogh).
You can designate German Shepherd Rescue and Adoptions as the beneficiary of your life insurance policy, or you can make GSRA the permanent owner and beneficiary of a new policy or a paid-up policy that you no longer need.
To make GSRA a beneficiary of an existing life insurance policy, you can simply request a beneficiary designation form from your employer or insurance company. Most forms require the following information:
Full legal name : German Shepherd Dog Rescue and Adoption Service
Permanent mailing address : 1821 Hillandale Road, Suite 1B #326, Durham, NC 27705
Federal Tax ID : 56-1857148
Your relationship to the beneficiary : Charity
Stocks, bonds, or mutual fund shares to German Shepherd Rescue and Adoptions can be easily transferred from a donor’s investment account to GSRA’s brokerage account.
For more information, please contact our financial advisor at Edward Jones using the contact information below. All inquiries and information will be kept strictly confidential and will not imply any obligation to make a gift.
Kim Fahnley or Stephen Herbert at Edward Jones
(828) 628-1546