Shep (CL) is a COURTESY LISTING available for private adoption -- for more information, please contact the owner listed below. DO NOT apply through the GSRA website as this dog and owner are not affiliated with GSRA.
Evonne Swanson
Rockingham, NC
Shep is a full blooded German Shepherd. He is 95lbs of energy, love, and loyalty. He is extremely loyal to his caretaker and very responsive to voice commands and directives. He needs space to run and room to roam. He may do well as a house dog, but only if one is close at hand to give him a LOT of walks and exercise; otherwise, he would do much better in a place of his own, externally, where he can run. He wants attention and he desires to be close to his owner. He is very loyal and needs to guard his 'deemed' territory. He seems to have been bred and trained to be a guard dog. He will readily alert to any perceived trespass until assured that all is well. He does not appear to do well with children and may have been in a situation with many small ones chasing or aggravating him (he will growl to cause them to keep their space, however he is not aggressive). He is extremely affectionate and will remain at one's side as long as is allowed. He does not stray without permission. It is believed that his owners may have left and abandoned him, causing him to seek shelter and food. A home in a rural area with space and fencing, with an individual or a couple that is energetic, would be ideal. If there is a need for security, he would be an asset, as all that he Loves would be guarded. He is Heart Worm negative, fully vaccinated, but does need to be neutered. His only negative is an issue with vehicles which we are currently working on, but training is much needed and will need to be continued as this can be life threatening for him; hence the need for fencing also.
Contact the owner listed above for more information about Shep (CL).